Humorists in Marostica celebrate Water

In 2018 we celebrate the forty-eighth edition of the famous international humorous graphics competition. Works from all over the world are expected. Registrations by March 31, 2018.
49th International Exhibition of Humorous Graphics

Theme: Water

Deadline for participation and submission of works:
March 31, 2018
Inauguration and awards ceremony:
May 19, 2018
From May 19th to June 17th 2018

Sito web:


Umoristi's press office in Marostica: 

Mara Bisinella
T. 339.6783954 

Marostica, 25 November 2018

The announcement of the International Competition "Humorists in Marostica 2018", a Humorous Graphics Competition which has reached its 48th edition this year, has started in recent days.

The theme is Water

Water as a source of life, as a primordial element. The philosopher Thales defined it as the "Principle of Being", identifying the original principle (archè) precisely in water, which he considered the source, substance and ultimate term of reality. Water, in addition to its philosophical, religious or scientific meanings, has always had many implications with work, with society, with nature, but above all in our daily reality and for the issues that are connected to it. Water is starting to run out, putting at risk, in some areas, even the survival of nature and man himself.

You might ask yourself: if the water problem is so serious and urgent, how can you laugh about it? Since the beginning of its activity, the Graphic Group has always favored themes that make us reflect, perhaps with a smile, and with incisive and interpretative methods that only an image without words can inspire.

Furthermore, since the topic "water" takes on completely different meanings depending on the reality and context in which we insert it, what better opportunity to make it the theme of an International Competition!

The Author's Fair will be dedicated this year to Alberto Simioni, comic book artist, founder of the group Breganzecomics still in business today. Born on 30 April 1951, Simioni made his debut by creating the Don Gerone strip for a local newspaper. After a long period of work at the Carlo Peroni studio in Milan, in the 1970s and 1980s, he created various comic series, including The Apparent, Tony Zanòn, Padre Poi, Cina, Ping Pong, Ivan, Cinaflash, Cinakid, Rino, angel yes and no, Knight Mark. He collaborates with various Catholic periodicals for children such as Piccolo Missionario and Il Messaggero dei Ragazzi, until arriving at Il Giornalino. A new publication begins in the well-known Edizioni Paoline weekly whose protagonist is the character of Gigitex, the blond gunslinger with a heart of gold. It is a humorous comic that in the all-Italian West does not propose, transfigured, the "small world" of provincial Veneto with its typical figures as well as its alter-ego Gigifat. On February 21, 1990, at just 38 years old, Alberto Simioni passed away, but his comics are still relevant and, over time, several exhibitions have been held: in 1991, 1997, 2006, 2009, 2014.

In June 2016, the Alberto Simioni Park was inaugurated in Breganze, the second park in Italy furnished with blow-ups of comic characters. In the meantime, the republication of his comics has also begun, in 2017 the book Il west di Gigitex was published by Festina Lente Edizioni of Ferrara which collects the stories drawn by Simioni between 1982 and 1988. The introduction to the volume is by Giuseppe Pollicelli, Italian journalist, poet and film director, considered one of the most prominent names in the field of comics criticism.

Humor and reflection

The “Humorists in Marostica” competition is open to cartoonists, illustrators and graphic designers of all nationalities. Registration and submission of works by 31 March 2018. The works, cartoons or strips, must be strictly free of dialogue or jokes. Awards 19 May 2018. Exhibition of the works at the Lower Castle of Marostica from19 May to 17 June 2018.

Prizes awarded:
International Chessboard Grand Prix
Special prize "Sandro Carlesso"
Special prize "Marco Sartore"
Ten "Humorists in Marostica" awards

Humorists in Marostica” is organized by the Gruppo Grafico Marostica in collaboration with the Municipality of Marostica.
