Humorists in Marostica celebrate Silence

In 2024 we will celebrate the fifty-first edition of the famous international humorous graphics competition. Works from all over the world are expected. Registrations by February 28, 2024.
51st International Exhibition of Humorous Graphics

Theme: Silence

Deadline for participation and submission of works:
February 28, 2024
Inauguration and awards ceremony:
May 4, 2024
From 4 May to 2 June 2024
Prorogata fino al 16 giugno

Sito web:


Umoristi's press office in Marostica: 

Mara Bisinella
T. 339.6783954 

Silence” is the theme of the new edition of Umoristi a Marostica. In 2024 the famous international humorous graphics competition will celebrate its 51st anniversary with a multi-faceted theme linked to the concept of time.

The Gruppo Grafico Marosticense: "Against digital noise and for freedom"

It's time to… silence for Humorists in Marostica. The famous international humorous graphics competition starts again with the 51st edition, proposing a theme that, as always, goes against the grain and is highly contemporary.

And if over the years, designers from all over the world have discussed the most disparate themes, this edition promises a new challenge: to entrust the absence of sounds and voices to the sign.

Silenzio è pace, quiete, tranquillità. Ovvero il contrario di rumore, chiasso, frastuono, facilmente avvicinabili al mondo dei social o, tristemente, della guerra. Temi, questi, attualissimi, ai quali gli artisti potranno guardare per opposti, proponendo visioni fuori dal comune.

With the choice of this theme we are referring above all to the noise of the media, of social media, of the continuous media bombardment produced by a flood of news and often non-existent truths– explains the Gruppo Grafico Marosticense– If with the arrival of the internet it was thought that these new means of communication would ensure freedom of thought, without political filters, now we have realized that this is not the case. The right to express oneself is very important, the free exchange of ideas, opinions and information is fundamental in a democratic system, but today we are overwhelmed by comments and images that are offered to us continuously and so quickly that we are unable to reflect on what we read or we listen. 'digital noise' which should be contrasted with silence, not however as a means of power and censorship, but rather as an indispensable tool for listening and understanding the other, to reorganize one's thoughts, rework them and express them with the most suitable words without going further and invading the other. There is, in fact, a strong need for 'communicative balance' that stimulates listening and self-awareness. Only in this way could we give the right value to what we want to communicate and to what we really are. In this sense silence is freedom, a place that allows thoughts and words to appear, as the writer Maria Pia Veladiano reminds us".

The competition:

It therefore presents itself once again as an inspiration, offering illustrators and the public a moment of reflection on important themes and a critical look at reality, with irony and through a universal language, that of graphics that breaks down linguistic and cultural barriers.

We just have to wait for which silencethe illustrators will decide to interpret with their works for one of the competitions that has attracted designers from every corner of the world for more than fifty years. In fact, there are 60 countries represented in the latest edition with 432 works in competition.

The “Humorists in Marostica” competition is open to cartoonists, illustrators and graphic designers of all nationalities. Registration and submission of works by February 28, 2024. The works, whether cartoons or strips, must be strictly free of dialogue or jokes. Awards ceremony 4 May 2024. Exhibition of the works from 4 May to 2 June 2024. Prizes awarded: International Chessboard Grand Prize”; Special prize “Sandro Carlesso”; Special “Marco Sartore” prize and ten “Humorists in Marostica” prizes.

Humor and reflection

The “Humorists in Marostica” competition is open to cartoonists, illustrators and graphic designers of all nationalities. Registration and submission of works by February 28, 2024. The works, whether cartoons or strips, must be strictly free of dialogue or jokes. Awards ceremony 4 May 2024. Exhibition of the works from 4 May to 2 June 2024. Prizes awarded: International Chessboard Grand Prize”; Special prize “Sandro Carlesso”; Special “Marco Sartore” prize and ten “Humorists in Marostica” prizes.

Prizes awarded:
International Chessboard Grand Prix
Special prize "Sandro Carlesso"
Special prize "Marco Sartore"
Ten "Humorists in Marostica" awards

Humorists in Marostica” is organized by the Gruppo Grafico Marostica in collaboration with the Municipality of Marostica.